About Us
Klean Energy is a project based on heavy oil production, upgrading, development in Alberta’s oil sands. The sole focus of this project is to develop energy properties utilizing proven proprietary gasification technologies, unique feedstock processing system combined with advanced emissions treatment technologies within an innovative zero waste, zero liquid discharge, closed loop, high-efficiency, low CO2 premium oil production plant ranging in size from 5,000 to 50,000 barrels per day.
Klean Energy is designed to provide the most innovative SAGD recovery systems, on-site energy generation, waste recovery/recycling and oil field upgrader systems which will drastically improve recovery ratios, output quality and the self-sufficiency of heavy oil and oil sands projects.
Our principal goal is to improve the economics (capital costs and margins), operating efficiency and environmental impact of unconventional oil production.
The technologies are designed to maximize recovery and utilization of energy resources at a fraction of the current cost. Development plans are under way to fabricate a first plant in Alberta with due diligence and feasibility analysis being completed on several oil sands properties.